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Family Law

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Family Court of Australia

Family Court File Search

Roma Mitchell Law Courts Building
3 Angas Street
Adelaide SA 5000

South Australia family law and family court for the public

GPO Box 9991
Adelaide SA 5001
DX 156 Adelaide

Phone: 1300 352 000
Practitioners Only: 1300 720 980 Between 8.30 - 10.00 and 2.00 - 5.00
Fax: (08) 8219 1625

Counter open: 8:45am - 4:30pm
Phones available: 8:30am - 5pm

List of Judges of the Family Court

Family Law Section

Family Law Section

The Family Law Section (FLS) of the Law Council of Australia is the professional association for practising family lawyers in Australia.

Law Council of Australia
GPO Box 1989

Phone +61 2 6246 3788
Fax +61 2 6248 0639

Child Welfare

Please refer to Foolkit's Children's Court Information

Family Violence

Domestic Violence Crisis Service

Crisis counselling, support, referral to safe accommodation.
Ph. 1300 782 200 (24 hours).
After hours Crisis Care ph. 131 611.

Domestic Violence Helpline

Ph. 1800 800 098 (24 hours) .
Counselling for victims of domestic violence and their concerned friends.

Counselling for people who commit domestic violence. web site:

Family & Youth Services (Child Abuse Report line)

Family & Youth Services (Child Abuse Report line)
Ph. 131 478

Police 000 or 131 444

Police 000 or 131 444

Crisis Care

After hours crisis support (violence and abuse, suicide, child protection etc).
4pm-9am plus weekends & public hols. Ph. 131 611.

Women's Information Service of South Australia

Ph. (08) 8303-0590 or 1800 188 158. web site:

Women's Legal Service

Ph. (08) 8221-5553 legal advice line. web site:

Warndu Wathilli-Carri Ngura Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service

Provides free legal advice and support to the prevention of family and domestic violence, rape and sexual assault.

Legal assistance for restraining orders, family court applications, criminal injuries compensation and some court attendances. Services: information, referral, advocacy.

Sexual Assault Unit ""Mura Wittila"" is auspiced by Warndu AFVLS.

26 Jervois St (PO Box 2087)
Port Augusta
SA 5700.
Ph: 08 8642 3923.
Tel: 08 8641 2195
Fax: 08 8641 2348

  • Adelaide Central Mission 8202 5111
  • Anglicare 8305 9200
  • Centacare 8210 8200
  • Lifeline (24 hours) 13 1114
  • Parent Helpline 1300 364 100
  • Rape and Sexual Assault Service 8226 8777
  • Relationships Australia 8223 4144

Child Abuse

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Federal Circuit Court

Roma Mitchell Law Courts Building
3 Angas St
Adelaide SA 5000

Family Law and Child Support

Phone: 1300 352 000
Fax: (08) 8219 1923

Counter open: 8:45am - 4:30pm
Phones available: 8:30am - 5pm

General Federal Law

Phone:(08) 8219 1000
Fax: (08) 8219 1001

Counter open: 9.00am - 4.00pm
Phones available: 8:30am - 5pm

South Australia 1  Family Law, family court and divorce

Child Support Agency

Level 6
100 King William Street
Adelaide SA 5000

GPO Box 9815
Adelaide SA 5001

General enquiries 131 272
TTY 1800 631 187
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 13 14 50

Office hours 8:30am to 4:45pm (Local Time) Monday to Friday

Change of Assessment Service 131 141

CSA Info Service (Automated telephone service for account enquiries and general information) 131 107 (24 hours)

Family Law, family court and divorce

Lands Titles Office

101 Grenfell Street
Adelaide 5000

GPO Box 1354, Adelaide SA 5001
DX 58195

Contact Numbers

Normal Business Hours
9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Document Collection Room
8am to 6pm Monday to Friday

Settlements Room
9am to 4pm Monday to Friday

Revenue SA

Taxpayer Hall, Ground Floor
State Administration Centre
200 Victoria Square Adelaide SA 5000

Mail Addresses, Phone Numbers,
Fax Numbers and Email Addresses


Stat Dec 71CA
Transfer of Property between Married Couples pursuant to an order of the Family Court or Maintenance Agreement approved by the Family Court. Stat Dec 71CA
Stat Dec 71CB
Transfer of the shared residence or motor vehicle/s between spouses or former spouses or domestic partners or former domestic partners. Stat Dec 71CB See also Stamp Duty Guide to Section 71CBA
Stat Dec 71CBA
Transfer of property between former domestic partners or a trustee of a domestic partner's superannuation fund pursuant to a certified domestic partnership agreement or a property adjustment order. Stat Dec 71CBA
Stat Dec 71CC
Application for Stamp Duty Concession on the Transfer of a Family Farm Stat Dec 71CC

Stamp Duty

Australian Tax Office

South Australia 3 Family Law, family court and divorce