Saturday, 27th July 2024
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Criminal Law

On this page

Daily Lists

A daily list of the cases to be heard in these State Courts. The list is updated late in the day if you wish to check the list for the following day.

Western Australia Criminal law and police Pages catering for the general public.


Director of Public Prosecutions WA

Level 1, International House
26 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Telephone: (08) 9425 3999
Free call for country callers: 1800 264 144
Facsimile: (08) 9425 3600


Office of the DPP

Western Australia 1 criminal law and police sentence jail

Corrective Services

Department of Corrective Services
Level 9, 141 St Georges Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Locked Bag 22
Cloisters Square WA  6850

Telephone:(08) 9264 1711

Sheriff's Operations

Contact Details

Central Law Courts
Level 5, 501 Hay Street
Phone: (08) 9425 2481
Fax: (08) 9221 7894

Commonwealth DPP

Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions

Level 1
226 Adelaide Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Commonwealth DPP
GPO Box B92
Perth WA 6001

Phone: (08) 9264 7264
Fax: (08) 9264 7266

Legal Aid WA InfoLine: 1300 650 579

Perth Office
55 St Georges Terrace
Perth, WA 6000

PO Box L916
Perth WA 6842

Telephone: (08) 9261 6222
Facsimile: (08) 9325 5430

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WA Police

Emergency 000
General Enquiries: 131 444

Local Police Directory

Australian Federal Police

Emergency call 000
Urgent assistance at airport call 131 AFP (131 237)

Perth Operations Monitoring Centre
PO Box 586
West Perth WA 6872

Tel: (08) 9320 3444
AH Hotline 1800 813 784

Departments and Units

Australian Government Solicitor

Level 19 Exchange Plaza
2 The Esplanade
Perth WA 6000

GPO Box U1994
Perth WA 6845

Phone: (08) 9268 1199

Who to contact

State Criminal Legislation

Western Australia 2 criminal law and police sentence jail

Supreme Court

Street Address
Level 13/111
St George Terrace
Perth WA 6000

Postal Address
Stirling Gardens
Barrack Street
Perth 6000
Western Australia

Phone: (08) 9421 5333
Fax: (08) 9221 4436


Office hours: 9.00am - 4.00pm

Supreme Court Forms & Fees

District Court

500 Hay Street
Perth WA 6000
Phone: (03) 8636 6510

Contact Details

County Court Forms & Fees

Western Australia 3 criminal law and police sentence jail

Magistrates Courts

Central Law Courts
501 Hay Street

Criminal Matters

Telephone: (08) 9425 2222
Facsimile: (08) 9425 2777

Criminal Listings Email:
Criminal Listings Facsimile: (08) 9425 2776

Criminal Registry Enquiries and for the payment of court imposed fines: (08) 9425 2222

Criminal Registry Email:

Law Almanac

Forms and Fees

Rules and Legislation

Adult Parole Board

PO Box 451
Wembley WA 6913

Phone: (08) 9423 8700